Neurological Tests that happen Everywhere

Neurological Disorder

Neurological Tests that happen Everywhere

People suffering from neurological disorders sometimes go through the worst pain in their entire lifetime. These disorders need a specialized treatment for which you will consult the Best Neurologist Ludhiana, to seek guidance. His expertise and experience in the field will shape your treatment and the journey with the disease.

Consulting the Best Neurosurgeon Ludhiana will always be beneficial. He will be taking some tests and procedures which will help diagnose the condition you suffer from.

Let’s first discuss the prescribed procedures mentioned below:

  • Cerebral Angiogram: this is a widely and commonly used method to assess the diseases which affect the blood vessels. These diseases are aneurysms,  arteriovenous malfunctions, and vasculitis. During this test, you will lie flat on a table, and a dye is injected into the blood vessels through a catheter attached to the groin. The catheter passes through the arterial system to the head, the place for injecting the dye. This procedure is considered to be painless.
  • CT Myelogram: MRI scans cannot be conducted with patients who already have got metal implanted in them. There is a particular CT test called a CT myelogram for such patients. In this procedure, the dye is injected into the cerebrospinal fluid that covers our brain and spinal cord. A spinal cord or lumbar cord is used as the path of injecting the dye before which you receive a local anesthetic for your lower back.
  • CT Scan: In a CT Scan, surgeons can quickly pinpoint the laceration in the brain and spinal cord. It helps to find out if there is any bleeding in the brain. You only need to lay flat on an air table, and the machine will take the head scan within thirty seconds.
  • MRI Scans: MRI Scan is best used to capture soft tissues like the brain and spinal cord. It uses hydrogen atom nuclei aligned in a magnetic field. It is not suitable for people who have pacemakers inside them.

Other tests include Nerve conduction and velocity studies and lumbar puncture.

Neurological Tests

There are five types of Neurological examinations, which are:

  • Mental Status: In this part, the physician will ask you some questions designed to examine your mental alertness, orientation, mood, and cognition.
  • Cranial Status: The cranial nerves are responsible for sensation and strength in the head. Your senses, like taste, smell, vision & hearing, are part of this test.
  • Motor functioning: Your ability to move your body with your muscles is the main focus of this test.
  • Sensory Functioning: your ability to sense the touch is tested in this part. It records the lesion in the brain.

The physician will also test your ability to identify the posture and movement of your body. You close your eyes, move your fingers and toes and try to identify their directions. This step is called proprioception.

The final results will help the physician to take the next step. On the basis of the results, he may take a few more tests to ensure the final results and the diagnosis.

Diagnosing such diseases needs a lot of time and focus to ensure proper treatment for the patient based on the condition.