Spinal Tumors: Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

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Spinal Tumor Treatment In Punjab

Spinal Tumor Treatment in Ludhiana, Punjab, Spinal Tumor is the unwanted growth in the spinal canal or within the spine bones. In medical science, the spinal cord tumor is also known as an intradural tumor whose presence begins from the spinal cord or its covering. If the bone spine is affected, it’s known as a vertebral tumor. If you are diagnosed with this condition, then make sure to consult one of the best Spine Surgeon In Punjab to get yourself an advanced treatment plan and reduce the chances of severity.

“Spinal Tumor Is Life-Threatening So Early Diagnosis Is The Key”

What are the symptoms of spinal tumors?

No two individuals will have the same signs and symptoms of spinal cord tumor. As the tumor keeps on growing, the symptoms can vary. Moreover, the nerve roots, blood vessels, spinal cord, or bones can get affected by the tumor growth. Here are some of the common signs & symptoms:

  • Pain on the area of tumor growth
  • Bladder function or Loss of bowel movement
  • Back pain unbearable at night
  • Muscle weakness or Loss of sensation
  • Extremely sensitivity towards cold & heat

It’s not just the back pain, but you can feel pain on the legs, feet, arms, & hips. Don’t wait when the problem is progressive and severe.

What are the causes of spinal tumors?

“WHY DOES IT HAPPENS?” Well, the exact reason why it happens is not known. The possibility is higher that the genes might be the reason. It’s possible that with age, genetic defects can occur. Apart from this, the environment or certain chemicals are likely to create issues.

How is spinal tumor diagnosed?

Here is the list of test which is performed to check the presence of spinal tumor in the body:

  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): Spinal MRI is done, which uses radio waves & powerful magnetic fields to better look at the spine, nerves, and spinal cord. The test will help check the spinal cord & surrounding tissues to see what exactly is the issue. General anesthesia is given if any patient feels frightened to get this done. Here are the further test included an MRI scan:
  • CT (Computerized Tomography):CT Scan will use a narrow radiation beam through which spine images are taken. To detect abnormal spine change, the injected contrast dye is used. Only rarely is it used.
  • Biopsy: A biopsy is done to check the spinal tumor exact type by taking the small tissue sample. Through the biopsy test results, the best treatment options are known.

Which are the treatment options for spinal tumors?

Depending on the diagnostic test results, you will be given a personalized treatment plan to make your situation under control or reduce the severity of the same. The neuro spine doctor will customize the treatment by evaluating if the tumor has spread to other body parts or not. Here is the list of treatment options suggested for spinal tumors:

  • Monitoring: Being watchful about the condition : Once the cause is determined and it is noticed that tumors are not growing or spreading to other body parts, the treatment plan will include carefully analyzing the situation.
  • Surgery: Carefully removing the tumor part: The surgery removes the spinal cord or nerve damaged by injury. Our neuro spine surgeon uses the latest and advanced method to make sure your health is transformed in all ways, and the entire process is done with ease.

Schedule your initial consultation

Are you diagnosed with a spinal tumor? Are you looking for the best treatment plan for spinal care? Don’t delay the need to get medical assistance. Schedule your initial consultation at Neuro Life Brain & Spine Centre under the expertise of Dr. Amit Mittal to seek best possible care for your condition.