What Is Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Its Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment?

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis lumbar spine

What Is Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Its Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment?


What Is Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?

Did you know that your spinal cord is basically a bundle of nerves that the vertebrae form that runs through a tunnel?

Medically the experts call the tunnel a spinal canal. The narrowing of the spinal canal is the Lumbar spinal stenosis in the lower part of your back.

The term Stenosis means narrowing, which can create pressure on your spinal cord or the nerves that go from the spinal cord to your muscles.

You can have spinal stenosis in any part of your spine, but according to the Best Neurology Hospital in Punjab status, it is more prevalent in the lower back. The doctor also calls that part of your spine the lumbar area.

Also, five lumbar vertebrae connect your upper spine to your pelvis.

 Treat Your Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

If you have lumbar spinal stenosis, you must seek Lumbar Canal Stenosis Treatment in Ludhiana. If you do not treat on time, then you might find a lot of difficulty in walking distances. You might also notice that you need to lean on something to get rid of the pressure on your lower back. Apart from that, you might also have some numbness or pain in the legs.

In certain serious conditions, there might be some trouble for you to control your bladder or bowel.

 What Are The Causes Of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?

One of the most common causes of lumbar spinal stenosis is undoubtedly osteoarthritis. It is gradual wear and tear that occurs to your joint over the course of time.

Lumbar spinal stenosis is pretty common because osteoarthritis starts to lead to changes in most people’s spines when they age 50 or older. This is the reason why people who notice the symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis are, in fact, 50 or older. Besides, those women are more likely to develop spinal stenosis than men.

Apart from osteoarthritis, there are some other conditions that can lead to spinal stenosis, including:

  1. Narrow spinal canal
  2. Injury to the spine
  3. Spinal tumor
  4. Certain bone diseases
  5. Past surgery on the spine
  6. Rheumatoid arthritis

 What Are The Symptoms Of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?

You will notice no symptoms in the initial stage of lumbar spinal stenosis. In most cases, the symptoms gradually develop over a period of time. Some of the most common sign that indicates lumbar spinal stenosis include:

  1. Experiencing pain in the back.
  2. Feel burning pain that goes into the buttocks and the legs (known as sciatica).
  3. Experiencing tingling, numbness, weakness, cramping in the legs
  4. Loss of sensation in the feet.
  5. A weakness in the foot can lead the foot to slap down when walking. It is also known as “foot drop.”
  6. Loss of sexual ability.

If there is pressure in the lumbar region, it might do you more bad as it can cause severe symptoms such as cauda equina syndrome.

The severe symptoms are:

  1. Loss of bladder control or bowel.
  2. Severe weakness and pain that spreads into one or both legs.
  3. Increasing or severe numbness in the inner thighs, between your legs, and even back of your legs.
Lower Back Ache Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: What are its causes, symptoms, and treatment?


Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Lumbar spinal stenosis is the canal that carries the nerves through the lower back narrows. The problem is common with old age and gets worse with time. The condition requires you to consult one of the best spine doctor in Ludhiana to improve your spine health to the fullest. Therefore, it’s one of those conditions you cannot consider neglecting.

Causes of lumbar spinal stenosis

Arthritis results from poor joint health over time and leads to spinal stenosis. Over time the spinal disc will lose all the necessary water content and increase the number of complications. There’s a possibility that the entire cartilage wears away when it’s rubbed against the bone. The condition demands you to get prompt medical attention so that the best possible action can be taken against the same.

Please Note!

As the brain and spine are connected, please be conscious of what negative impact it can lead to. One of the research has shown the chances of spinal cord compression causing problems like:

  • Not able to walk like normal

  • Hands often get numb

  • Change in the motor cortex of the brain

If you notice any sort of such change, then please get medical assistance from the Neurologist in Ludhiana without delaying even a second. The right medical assistance at the right time improves the overall health to make it seem better.

Symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis

Here are some of the most common symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis:

  • Discomfort in the legs, buttock, and back
  • Pain when you try to run or golf
  • Weakness, cramping, or pain when you walk
  • Pain reduces when you sit or lean forward

These are a few symptoms that point toward getting medical assistance for Lumbar spinal stenosis in Ludhiana from an experienced spine surgeon.

Diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis

When you consult the spine doctor, he will get the following information and perform several procedures for better diagnosis:

  • Ask detailed medical history
  • Perform proper physical examination
  • X-ray
  • CT scan
  • MRI

Treatment for lumbar spinal stenosis

The lumbar spinal stenosis pain might get worse with time, and if that happens, do consult the doctor immediately. In 70% of the cases, the symptoms don’t improve, or there’s a possibility it might get worse with time. Now, the necessary treatment plan that’s right for you depends on your condition. Therefore, the best possible options are:

  • Oral steroids
  • Spinal injection
  • Nerve medications
  • Physical therapy
  • OTC pain medications

Don’t miss out on a rehabilitation

Most importantly, you should not miss out on rehabilitation at any cost after surgery. Walk for the required miles to help alleviate spinal health. Indeed! It’s a slow process but being consistent and careful goes a long way. Therefore, don’t miss out on anything and always visit for follow-up checkups.

Need further assistance?

Our experienced spine doctor checks the entire condition and lets you know which plan would be best for your health.

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis lumbar spine

Explain the cold and hot treatment for lumbar spine problems?


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Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

What are the major symptoms and causes of lumbar canal stenosis?


Lumbar Canal Stenosis

Lumbar spinal canal stenosis means the spine gets narrow, which puts pressure on nerves present in the spine or passing through it. There’s even excess pressure on the neck and lower back. On-time and advanced care of the Lumbar Canal Stenosis Treatment in Ludhiana under trained medical experts will give utmost relief. As the problem mostly occurs in the neck and lower back, you should not ignore the situation as it’s likely to worsen with time.

What are the types of spinal stenosis?

When you visit one of the best spine doctor in Ludhiana for initial diagnosis and evaluation, he will check the type of spinal stenosis you have. Determining the condition makes it easier to tell what’s the problem and how it can be managed. There are two main types of spinal stenosis:

  • Lumbar Stenosis

Narrowing happens in the spine area in the lower back, and it’s the most common one.

  • Cervical Stenosis

This leads to narrowing in the one particular part of the spine in the neck.

If your situation is worsening or you are in extreme pain, then consult one of the known Neurologist in Ludhiana to understand the most appropriate way of addressing the situation effectively.

What are the symptoms of spinal stenosis?

In many cases, spinal stenosis doesn’t show any symptoms, and the option of CT scan and MRI only tell about the same. Moreover, the situation worsens with time, and the symptoms may vary depending on where it occurs. Some of the most common symptoms depending on the area, are:

Cervical Spine (Neck area)

  • Foot, leg, hand, and arm weakness
  • Not able to properly balance and walk
  • Neck pain
  • Numbness in the hand, foot, leg, and hand
  • Get diagnosed with bladder or bowel dysfunction, which means having urinary incontinence and an urgent need to urinate

Lumbar Spine (Lower Back)

  • Leg or foot weakness
  • Leg or foot have numbness and tingling sensation
  • Cramping or pain in one or both legs as you stand for a long period and it gets resolved when you bend forward
  • Back pain

If you notice any of these symptoms and are in an extremely severe state, then consult an experienced medical expert.

What are the causes of spinal stenosis?

The spine runs from the neck to the lower back, which gives the spinal cord utmost protection. In a few cases, individuals have had the problem since birth. Other than that, there are a few common causes that increase the chances of getting diagnosed with spinal stenosis:

  • Bone overgrowth
  • Herniated disc
  • Ligaments getting thick
  • Tumors
  • Spinal injury

If you have been dealing with any of these conditions, then make sure to consult the neurologist and seek management tips for the same.

Are there any risk factors for spinal stenosis?

In most cases, spinal stenosis occurs after the age of 50. Moreover, there are likely to be higher degenerative chances at a young age. To understand the most effective reason behind the same, you need to get spinal imaging for better results.

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis In Ludhiana


We all know that staying fit and active helps you do most of the activities without any complications as you grow older. But it is not possible for those who are suffering from a spine condition also known as Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. For such patients, it becomes hard to just simply complete the activities; they rather become strenuous and challenging.

The reason behind such issues is that the cognition stops or restricts the person and causes difficulty in standing or walking for a more extended period of time. This is the reason why you must diagnose it under the guidance of skilled doctors and treat it with Lumbar Canal Stenosis Treatment in Ludhiana. 

Who Is More Prone To Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?

According to the Neurologist in Ludhiana, the real cause of lumbar spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal. This then leads to pressure on the nerves in the lower back. The actual cause of lumbar spinal stenosis is age; as people grow older, they are at higher risk of suffering from one. Apart from that, having osteoarthritis or stability problems in the spine can also increase the risk of suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis. Because of the anatomy of the women, they are more prone to grow lumbar spinal stenosis as compared to men. The best spine doctor in Ludhiana will help you manage or control the issues with the proper treatment. 

What Are The Causes Of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?

According to experts, the most common cause of lumbar spinal strenuous is osteoarthritis. The wear and tear that one notices in the joints over the course of time lead to such conditions. Developing lumbar spinal stenosis is common because osteoarthritis happens by the age of 50 in most people, which changes the spine’s structure or stability.

Also, as stated, women are at higher risk of suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis than men in most cases.

Apart from osteoarthritis, there are also other conditions that might result in lumbar spinal stenosis. Given below are some of the reasons:

  • Suffering from a narrowing spinal canal.
  • Experiencing any injury to the spine.
  • Developing spinal cancer.
  • Having some sort of bone disease.
  • Undergone surgeries for the spine in the past.
  • Having rheumatoid arthritis. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?

Now let us move towards the symptoms of the lumbar spinal stenosis as it might help you get to know at the realty stage to diagnose it and treat it accordingly.

In most cases, early lumbar spinal stenosis does not have any symptoms. But with time, they notice specific symptoms that grow gradually over a period of time. Some of the symptoms might include:

  • Having pain in the back
  • Burning pain that goes into the buttocks and down into the legs (sciatica).
  • Experiencing numbness, tingling, weakness, or cramping in the legs.
  • Noticing loss of sensation in the feet frequently.
  • Experiencing Foot drop is basically weakness in the foot that leads to the foot slapping down while walking.
  • Seeing a loss of sexual ability.