Spine surgeon
Best Spine Surgeon in Ludhiana, Punjab, Health should be given priority in all ways. No doubt if the health is not fine then there will be a lot of difficulties as it’s challenging to do the things you love. One of the body parts which requires huge attention is the spine. Neuro Life Brain & Spine Centre is your one-stop destination to get the ultimate spine care. Be it a routine check-up or you want advanced care of your spine at our centre, you will get the finest care possible.
“Modern Spine Treatment Emphasizes Smooth Recovery, Reduced Pain, & Minimal Hospital Stay.”
How does our spine surgeon treat the problem?
When you schedule an initial consultation with our Spine Surgeon In Punjab, he will check the problem from the root cause. Only after determining the reason for the difficulty further treatment plan is customized. Some of the possible procedures used to correct the spine problem are
- Spine fusion surgery : Spine instability can happen due to trauma or infection, for which the spine doctor can suggest you get spine fusion surgery. This surgical approach is suitable for patients who have spinal tumors.
- Spine decompression surgery : Spine decompression is performed through laminectomy or the microsurgical instrumental method. This procedure’s main aim is to remove the excess pressure being put on the nerves roots because of the herniated disc.
- Endoscopic spine discectomy surgery : The inventive endoscopic method has been replaced by the traditional way of doing spine surgery. The minimally invasive procedure provides the patients with utmost comfort and safety to get the best results on time.
- Spinal tumor surgery : Are you diagnosed with a spinal tumor? Our experienced spine surgeon does spinal tumor surgery through a modern and improved treatment plan. During the initial consultation, your entire health will be looked upon, and accordingly, the treatment is customized to make your condition better in all ways.
- Determining the reason behind the problem : The initial diagnosis is essential in every case. So, before you direct towards the necessary treatment plan, the doctor will suggest a list of imaging tests like MRI, X-rays, and CT scans. Through the required examination, the right source is determined so that it’s easier to analyze the reason behind spine surgery.
How does Dr. Amit Mittal (NeuroSurgeon) treat the spine-related problem?
The personalized approach is essential for any health issue to be treated effectively. Once the initial diagnosis is made, and it’s known what’s the problem, further necessary steps are taken. There are several spine issues, and the doctor will direct the treatment plan accordingly. Some of the problems linked to the spine are
- Deformities & Fractures In The Spine
- Scoliosis And Sciatica
- Disc Problems (Neck & Back)
- Spinal Stenosis
- Spina Bifida
Do you have any spine-related conditions?
Schedule your initial consultation with our experienced board-certified spine surgeon Dr. Amit Mittal. At Neuro Life Brain & Spine Centre , you will get easy access to the modern, cost-effective, and transparency towards every step of the treatment. Our team of experienced spine surgeons will guide you on what’s best for your spine health from the start to the end of your treatment plan.