Everything you need to know about spinal traction for neck and back pain

Spinal Tumor Spine Surgery

Everything you need to know about spinal traction for neck and back pain

Spinal Traction For Neck and Back pain: Does it work?

The medical advancement makes all of us wonder at times, ‘How mind boggling it is that we have the best treatment options for almost every problem?’ Even if you have back or neck pain, there are practical management tips and comfortable treatment plans to improve the condition. To strengthen your spine and neck care, you must consult one of the best spine doctors in Ludhiana and begin your treatment plan at the earliest. One such treatment that’s gaining huge demand is spinal traction.

In simple terms, spinal traction means using force and counterforce to pull in opposite directions to help reduce the severity of symptoms and get the spine health back on track. When you consult the neurologist in Ludhiana, he won’t suggest the surgical plan right away. The surgeon offers the options first that do not require much effort.

Spinal traction might improve mobility

Through studies, it’s still not clear the way it works. But, it’s believed that spinal traction helps you to have relief from pain by targeting the pain impulses and creating desired space in the vertebrae. That’s not all. Spine mobility gets much better, and mechanical stress reduces significantly. In spinal nerve root compression, the muscle spasm pain level reduces, which makes the utmost difference in your overall spinal health.

Although, one thing is sure; spinal traction improves the overall well-being by reducing neck and back pain symptoms. It’s the combination of therapies that creates a lot of difference.

Spinal traction under medical supervision

Another essential part is to seek medical supervision no matter how simple the therapy or procedure seems. It would help if you got spinal traction under expert control. As there are different types of spinal traction, so only the medical expert can tell you which one works best for your condition like:

  • Manual traction
  • Mechanical traction
  • Gravity dependent traction

The supervision of a licensed therapist is the key to improving your neck and back pain. The therapist knows the right amount of pressure that needs to be applied for spine decompression. It’s the gentle movement and then holding it for several seconds, finally releasing. The right approach required to perform is why you notice a difference in your overall condition.

Moreover, the therapist or medical expert will let you know how often you have to get it done in a single day, like 15 to 30 minutes. Most importantly, it’s about applying the right amount of strength to make the situation much better and well under control.

Trust the expertise to improve your situation

If you cannot get relief from neck and back pain, then it’s time to consult an experienced medical professional.

Spinal Tuberculosis Spinal Tumor

Learn more about spinal tuberculosis And its treatment from the expert

Spinal Tuberculosis

  • Spinal tuberculosis which is also known as Pott’s disease. It is a spinal infection that tuberculosis causes and can lead to osteomyelitis, spinal mechanical instability, and kyphotic deformity.
  • Good knock to diagnose this condition with the help of CT-guided biopsy sent for acid-fast bacilli.
  • The treatment-related to this is usually bracing and antituberculosis antibiotics in the absence of neurological defects or some mechanical instability.
  • In the presence of neurological deficits, Progressive kyphosis, and mechanical instability, the doctor manages the surgical treatment.

With the help of a neurologist in Ludhiana, you could manage such health conditions without any difficulty.


  • Incidence
    • There has been an increase in the incidence of tuberculosis because of the increasing immunocompromised population demographics.
    • We can see it in the HIV-positive population and especially in those patients with CD4 + counts of 50 to 200.
  • Anatomic location
    • Almost 15% of patients with tuberculosis will have extrapulmonary involvement in the spine. You can specifically sit in the thoracic spine, which is the most common extrapulmonary site.
    • Almost 5% of all tuberculosis patients have spine involvement.

The best neurologist will manage to control spinal tuberculosis.


  • Pathoanatomy
    • Early infection
      • It begins in the metaphysics of the vertebral body.
      • It spreads under the anterior longitudinal ligament and leads to contagious multilevel involvement.
      • Non-contagious segments or skip lesions(15%)
      • Paraspinal abscesses formation (50%).
      • Generally, the anterior can be pretty massive, which is much more common in tuber classes than pyogenic infection.
      • In the beginning, it does not involve the Disc space That distinguishes it from pyogenic osteomyelitis, but the doctor can miss diagnose it as a neoplastic lesion.
    • Chronic infection
      • Severe kyphosis
        • It means deformity in non-operative cases is around 15°. In 5% of patients, the deformity is less than 60°.
        • higher rate of progression of kyphosis when there is an involvement of the vertebral body and posterior elements.
      • dr often diagnose the infection late as there is frequently much more severe chi poses in granulomatous spinal infection then pyogenic infection.
      • In adults
        • Kyphosis stay static after healing of disease
      • In children
        • kyphosis the props in 40% of cases because of growth spurt.
      • Classification of progression
        • Type 2, Reduction in progression with growth.
        • Type 3, there are minimal changes during either active or healed phases.


  • Onset of signs of tuberculosis spondylitis are generally more insidious as compared to pyogenic infection. Some of the symptoms include:
    • Constitutional symptoms
    • chronic illness
    • Night sweats
    • Malaise
    • weight loss
    • back pain
      • There is often a lack of symptoms that only occurs after major destruction and deformity.

Physical exams

  • Kyphotic deformity
  • Neurological deficit which is present in 10 to 47 percent of patients with spinal tuberculosis.
    • Mechanism
      • abscess, Granulation tissue, Caseous tissue, Tubercular debris causes mechanical pressure.
      • Subluxation or dislocation of paraplegia Causes mechanical instability from Healed diseases can occur with severe deformity.
    • Stenosis from ossification of ligamentum flavum adjacent to severe kyphosis.


  • Laminectomy
    • Indication
      • Extradural extraosseous granuloma subdural granuloma
      • decompression and myelotomy indications.
      • intramedullary granuloma
Spinal Stroke Spinal Tumor Spine Surgery

Everything you need to know about the spinal stroke condition

Spinal Stroke: What is it?

Spinal Stroke or spinal cord stroke is a rare condition that prevents blood supply to the spinal cord. The spinal cord is an integral part of the central nervous system that connects further with the brain. But when blood supply gets cut off, there’s difficulty getting all essential nutrients and oxygen. All the necessary nerves play an essential role in managing the health all effectively and controlling the vital functions of the body like:

  • Controlling body activities
  • Moving arms and legs
  • Allowing the organs to work effectively

Most spinal strokes happen when blood vessels reaching the spine block and form a blood clot. If you have had a stroke once, you must get Stroke Treatment In Ludhiana right away and balance everything to make the utmost difference to your overall well-being. Also, remember that spinal cord and brain stroke are different from one another.

Symptoms of Spinal Stroke

The spinal cord stroke symptoms depend on the specific part of the spine affected and to what extent. Sometimes the symptoms occur suddenly, and sometimes the symptoms might be seen within a few hours after a stroke. However, here’s the list of all the possible symptoms that are seen normally:

  • Numbness
  • Muscle spasms
  • Severe neck or back pain and occurs suddenly
  • Muscle weakness in the legs
  • Difficulty controlling bladder and bowel movement
  • Paralysis
  • Tingling sensation
  • Feeling like a tight band around the torso

The spinal cord stroke symptoms are different from brain stroke. If you have any kind of spine-related issue, then you must visit one of the best spine doctors in Ludhiana to get the most effective care.

Reasons behind spinal Stroke

A spinal cord stroke happens when blood supply stops to the spine and arteries narrow down. Some of the conditions are likely to result in plaque buildup. There are a few cases where patients are at increased risk of having weak or narrow arteries like:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Heart disease

If you have a habit of smoking, have excess alcohol, or follow a sedentary lifestyle, it can also result in huge complications. It’s like the state of complications is higher. Therefore you need to be mindful once you have a stroke.

Complications with spinal Stroke

Although these are less common it means that you need to be careful about the same:

  • Chances of tumors, including spinal chordomas
  • Vascular malformations of the spine
  • Injury, such as a gunshot wound
  • Spinal tuberculosis or other infections around the spine, like an abscess
  • Spinal cord compression
  • Cauda equine syndrome (CES)
  • abdominal or heart surgery

Bear in mind that spinal Stroke can even occur in children. So, you should always practice the stroke management tips and consult a neurologist from time to time.

Treatment for spinal cord stroke

Depending on the issue, the doctor suggests the most appropriate care for your condition.

Brain Tumor Spinal Tumor

What is it like to live as a brain or spinal cord tumor survivor?

Living with brain or spinal cord tumor

Sometimes spinal cord or brain tumor treatment allows the same to be removed or destroyed. The Spinal Tumor Treatment in Ludhiana can seem nerve-wracking and challenging to handle. The biggest fear is that the tumor keeps coming back again and again. On the other hand, some might have to live with it for their lives. When the spinal cord or brain tumor is not able to remove than the treatment options like:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Other treatment

The given treatment options ensure the symptom’s severity gets less. Under the expertise of the experienced and skilled Neurologist in Ludhiana, you can make an informed decision in your life.

Follow-up care after spinal cord and brain tumor

Even after the treatment, the doctor keeps a close check on your well-being. So, make sure that you consult the best spine doctor in Ludhiana from time to time.

After treatment, checkup includes: Exam and tests

The doctor checks the symptoms and examines your condition as you visit for follow-ups. Additionally, the doctor suggests imaging and lab tests to see the condition’s progression. Taking care of your overall well-being requires utmost care as the tumor might return.

So, if you notice any symptoms, make sure to consult the doctor right away. The doctor checks the same and gives you a better idea of what treatment to get. Additionally, the doctor informs you about the necessary treatment plan. Follow all the dietary changes, activity plans, and other suggestions to transform your well-being.

How do you recover from the effect of brain and spinal cord tumors & the treatment?

Following treatment, it’s possible to have some side effects. The severity of symptoms ranges from mild to severe for every patient. There are high chances you notice the symptoms after a long time, like a year after once treatment gets finished. So, if you notice any change in the body, then consult the doctor at the earliest:

  • Neurologists help to suggest treatment for muscle strength, physical coordination, and other nervous system-related problems.
  • Do you have any?
  • Numbness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Paralysis

Consult the occupational therapist to make your well-being better and assist you in living a better life.

  • Is your speech affected?

Consult the speech therapist to help your communication skills get better.

The doctor assists you better on which type of medical expert you need to consult to improve your well-being.

Is it possible to reduce the risk of tumor recurrence?

One of the common questions of individuals who have had tumors comes to mind. There are a few things that you can do to reduce the chances of tumor recurrence:

  • Take necessary nutritional supplements
  • Follow the healthy diet plan
  • Exercise regularly
  • Keep a healthy body weight
  • Do not smoke
  • Avoid alcohol intake

Take care of your well-being, and you will notice a lot of difference in your overall health. Even if a tumor comes back, the doctor suggests the treatment plan accordingly.

Spinal Tumor

What are the different types of spinal tumors which you should know about?

A spinal tumor is one of the common concerns noticed among individuals of different age groups. Whether you suspect you have a spinal tumor or you are diagnosed with one, it’s essential to be aware of the same in all ways. Most importantly, you should know about the types of spinal tumors as each has a different factor or why it happens.

Types of Spinal Tumor

  • Primary spinal tumors: Primary means the initiating point; It means the spinal tumor starts from the spinal column and can begin from the discs, nerves, bones, or other spine elements. Primary spinal tumors are not cancerous, and their prevalence rate is higher in younger people. The different types of spinal tumors are:
    • Hemangiomas
    • Multiple Myeloma
    • Osteosarcomas
  • Secondary spinal tumors (metastatic tumors): Secondary tumor means the growth started from somewhere else and reached the spine. Moreover, such cancer types can spread quickly in the body, growing extremely fast. Cancerous cells occur from the breast, lung, and prostate, and later they can spread themselves to the spine.

How do spinal tumors vary depending on the location?

The type of spinal tumor also varies depending on the location. The types of tumor based on the locations are:

Extradural Tumor

Extradural tumor growth occurs on the outer protective layer of the spine called an epidural tumor (extradural tumor). Such tumors can spread from one part of the body to another.

Intradural-Extramedullary Tumor

An Intradural-extramedullary is present inside the dura, which is present on the outer layer, and then it begins to grow over the spinal cord, which is on the outside. Such tumors are benign, and their growth is slow. Moreover, it can lead to pain and weakness. It can include the tumor-like:

  • Meningiomas
  • Nerve sheath tumors

Schedule your initial consultation

Make sure that you schedule your initial consultation with the doctor to understand the issue better and what sort of treatment will work the best for you.