Stroke Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Types

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Stroke Management

Stroke Treatment In Ludhiana, Punjab, A stroke occurs when blood supply is not proper to the brain, due to which necessary nutrients and oxygen are not reached on time. Stroke is one of the common neurological conditions, but still, individuals are not aware of ‘How it happens,’ ‘What to do,’ & ‘How to manage it?’ Being careful and aware of the condition is essential. At Neuro Life Brain & Spine Centre, one of the Best Brain Hospital in Punjab, you will be given the treatment plan by checking your condition, the reason behind the same, and what sort of treatment is best for you.

“Stroke Requires Urgent Medical Care Which Increases The Chances Of Preventing It”

What are the symptoms of a stroke?

The brain does not have enough blood supply, which leads to brain tissue damage. The Sooner the treatment is started, the better the results are. Some of the significant symptoms of a stroke are:

  • Slurred speech
  • Trouble speaking or understanding
  • Paralysis
  • Difficulty walking
  • Face, leg, or arm weakness & mostly it is one side of the body
  • Lack of responsiveness or confusion
  • Sudden behavioral changes, primarily increased agitation
  • Vision problems like blurred vision
  • Dizziness
  • Seizures
  • Nausea or vomiting

What are the reasons behind stroke?

The cause of a stroke depends on the type as stroke is divided into three types:

  • Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
  • Ischemic stroke
  • Hemorrhagic stroke

Here’s the breakdown on the type of stroke so that you have a better understanding of the same:

Ischemic Stroke Arteries supplying blood to the brain get blocked or narrow down. Transient Ischemic Attack Transient Ischemic Attack
Blood flow to the brain is blocked on a temporary basis. Hemorrhagic Stroke Brain arteries get broken or blood begins to leak

Did you know?

Some of the risk factors that can increase the chances of having a stroke like:

  • Unhealthy diet
  • Not being active
  • Excess intake of alcohol
  • Excess tobacco use
  • Family history age
  • Blood clotting disorder

What are the expert suggested ways to prevent stroke?

Being careful about the risk factor is essential to prevent the chances of having a stroke. Being mindful of the given below factors will make it easier to live your life the way you always wanted:

  • Limit alcohol intake in your daily life
  • Keep your body weight balance because overweight individuals have higher chances of having a stroke
  • Make sure to get your regular health checkups

How do doctors diagnose stroke?

All the necessary symptoms are initially checked to direct you towards the right treatment plan. The doctor will tell you about your medications to check your BP and heartbeat. After doing the different tests like MRI, CT scan, and much more, personalized stroke treatment is given to you.

What are the treatment options for stroke?

Proper treatment and medical evaluation are necessary to manage your condition effectively. Depending on your situation, you will be given surgery, stroke medication, or other forms of treatment plan to make your condition better in all ways.

How to recover from a stroke?

Stroke is one of the major problems around the globe, so prompt medical assistance must be taken. The patient has to get the best care for a smooth and safe recovery following the treatment. The neurosurgeon will recommend the patient begin rehabilitation as soon as possible. Some of the options which are included in the stroke recovery:

  • Speech therapy
  • Not being active
  • Relearning sensory skills
  • Excess tobacco use

Do you have any risk factor which points towards having a stroke?

Schedule your initial consultation Neuro Life Brain & Spine Centre under the expertise of Dr. Amit Mittal to plan the effective and best treatment that reduces your chances of having a stroke or help you understand the ways to manage the situation.