What is it like to live as a brain or spinal cord tumor survivor?

Brain Tumor Spinal Tumor

What is it like to live as a brain or spinal cord tumor survivor?

Living with brain or spinal cord tumor

Sometimes spinal cord or brain tumor treatment allows the same to be removed or destroyed. The Spinal Tumor Treatment in Ludhiana can seem nerve-wracking and challenging to handle. The biggest fear is that the tumor keeps coming back again and again. On the other hand, some might have to live with it for their lives. When the spinal cord or brain tumor is not able to remove than the treatment options like:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Other treatment

The given treatment options ensure the symptom’s severity gets less. Under the expertise of the experienced and skilled Neurologist in Ludhiana, you can make an informed decision in your life.

Follow-up care after spinal cord and brain tumor

Even after the treatment, the doctor keeps a close check on your well-being. So, make sure that you consult the best spine doctor in Ludhiana from time to time.

After treatment, checkup includes: Exam and tests

The doctor checks the symptoms and examines your condition as you visit for follow-ups. Additionally, the doctor suggests imaging and lab tests to see the condition’s progression. Taking care of your overall well-being requires utmost care as the tumor might return.

So, if you notice any symptoms, make sure to consult the doctor right away. The doctor checks the same and gives you a better idea of what treatment to get. Additionally, the doctor informs you about the necessary treatment plan. Follow all the dietary changes, activity plans, and other suggestions to transform your well-being.

How do you recover from the effect of brain and spinal cord tumors & the treatment?

Following treatment, it’s possible to have some side effects. The severity of symptoms ranges from mild to severe for every patient. There are high chances you notice the symptoms after a long time, like a year after once treatment gets finished. So, if you notice any change in the body, then consult the doctor at the earliest:

  • Neurologists help to suggest treatment for muscle strength, physical coordination, and other nervous system-related problems.
  • Do you have any?
  • Numbness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Paralysis

Consult the occupational therapist to make your well-being better and assist you in living a better life.

  • Is your speech affected?

Consult the speech therapist to help your communication skills get better.

The doctor assists you better on which type of medical expert you need to consult to improve your well-being.

Is it possible to reduce the risk of tumor recurrence?

One of the common questions of individuals who have had tumors comes to mind. There are a few things that you can do to reduce the chances of tumor recurrence:

  • Take necessary nutritional supplements
  • Follow the healthy diet plan
  • Exercise regularly
  • Keep a healthy body weight
  • Do not smoke
  • Avoid alcohol intake

Take care of your well-being, and you will notice a lot of difference in your overall health. Even if a tumor comes back, the doctor suggests the treatment plan accordingly.