Epileptic Seizures: Types, Causes and Treatment

Epilepsy Doctors

Epileptic Seizures: Types, Causes and Treatment

Seizure is a common disorder that many people suffer from. It is triggered due to a sudden change or burst of abnormal electrical functioning in the brain. Each person has a different experience of seizure. Chances are you may remember or be conscious during the seizure or you may not remember anything about it. However, if you get multiple seizures that too with a gap of 24 hours, then it indicates you have epilepsy. This condition can be treated with medicines or surgery and in some cases it stops without any treatment. You can contact the best neurosurgeon in Ludhiana for better analysis and treatment of your specific condition.

What exactly is Epileptic Seizures?

Epilepsy is a common seizure disorder and according to the reports of the World Health Organisation, 50 million people suffer from this disorder globally. Human brain has exceptional powers, it works consistently and systematically to regulate the functions of our body. It sends signals and receives multiple signals throughout the body using neurons and it helps maintain an orderly pattern in the body. However, when this pattern is interrupted or imbalanced, seizures occur. 

If a person has epilepsy, it causes recurrent imbalance in the natural electric order or rhythm of the brain. Hence, the person gets recurrent seizures. This can be managed by consulting the best neurologist in ludhiana for best treatments. 

Types of Epileptic Seizures

 Following are the types of epileptic seizures: 

  • Focal – As the name suggests, these types of seizures start in the brain at one specific part. It can eventually spread in other parts of the brain and it can potentially develop into generalised seizures. 
  • Generalised –  Unlike the focal seizures, generalised seizures start on both sides of the brain. Depending on the level of awareness and intensity it is further divided into different types.


  • Complications of injury during pregnancy affecting the foetus.
  • Brain malformation, tumour or cyst in the brain.
  • Accident that caused head inquiry or head trauma.
  • Other infections such as HIV or meningitis.
  • Mental disorders such as Alzheimer’s diseases.  
  • Insufficient amount of oxygen to the brain at the time of birth.
  • It can be caused due to genetics but it is uncertain to predict. In many cases, it is not transferred genetically. Also, the chance of getting this disorder because your sibling or parent has it is less than 5%.


To know which treatment suits your condition the best, you should consult the best neurosurgeon in Ludhiana. Epilepsy can be life-long or stop on its own. It has no cure. But using medications and surgery, it can be managed. 

  • Diet Change – Diet changes help those especially children who do not respond to treatment. They are prescribed to consume a ketogenic diet which is low in carbohydrates and high in fat. 
  • Electric Device – An electrical device is surgically placed to regulate and stimulate nerves. This helps in preventing seizures. 
  • Surgery – A qualified and experienced neurologist in ludhiana can help perform surgery in which the part of the brain that causes seizure can be removed or altered. 
  • Medications – Doctors prescribe various medicines that can help in reducing the number of seizures. These medicines are anti seizure drugs.
  • In case, you are aware of the things that trigger seizures, then it is easier to avoid them.

Suffering from a disorder can be daunting due to various complications and restrictions involved. But if you get the right treatment from the best neurosurgeon in Ludhiana, then you can live easily and worry-free. By taking medications and treatment on time, you can live happily despite the diseases.